Monday, January 7, 2092

Drone Of Death - Pinned Post

DRONE Resource Page
----------------------------------- Don't Edit This Post -------------------------------------------------
If you are in my Mechatronics Engineering class and are working on a Differential Drive Robot, please request access to post.  This is where you will post your Robot progress. Post Engineering Plans, Sketches, Links and Photos.  See Robot Club Rubric for the quality and expectation of the posts contents.
Historical Team Members:
2018-2019 - PM Team - Myles, Adam, Shane

Sunday, March 17, 2019

New launch Of Robot Club Project Page

Hey SVCTE Mechatronics Robot Club teams, I'm launching a new process to capture your progress documenting your Robot Club projects. The goal is that we have a better and easier method to create a portfolio of engineering work you have done.  TBD, but I'll post a template and Rubric.

I'll also add your team mates as Blog Authors, you will see an invite... click accept.

I'll also post requests for specific data or content... so read the blog posts... it would be a good Idea to sign up for email notifications when a new blog post happens.